

Third Ear. Reflections on the Art and Science of Listening

Author: Rosner, Elizabeth

Original Language: English

Original Publisher: Counterpoint Press


The Hamster Economy. Our Healthy Brain in an Unhealthy Environment

Original title: Onze hamster maatschappij. Ons gezonde brein in een ongezonde omgeving

Authors: Kreier, Felix, Biezeveld, Maarten

Original Language: Dutch

Original Publisher: Bertram en De Leeuw Publishers


Geoconscience. A New Way of Seeing the World

Original title: Géoconscience. Un nouveau regard sur le territoire

Author: Blondeau, Maxime

Original Language: French

Original Publisher: Allary Editions


Skybound! Starring Mary Myers as Carlotta, Daredevil Aeronaut and Scientist

Author: Ganz-Schmitt, Sue

Original Language: English (USA)

Original Publisher: Calkins Creek

Client: Astra Books for Young Readers


Choose Your Age. The Latest Scientific Discoveries to Extend Your Youth

Original title: Décider de son âge

Author: Lemaître, Jean-Marc

Original Language: French

Original Publisher: Allary Editions


Wandering Cells. Strangers within us

Original title: Les cellules buissonnières: L’enfant dont la mère n’était pas née et autres folles histoires du mic

Original Language: French

Original Publisher: Premier Parallèle

Client: Books And More Agency


Neuromania. Fact and Fiction About Your Brain

Original title: Neuromania. Le vrai du faux sur votre cerveau

Author: Moukheiber, Dr. Albert

Original Language: French

Original Publisher: Allary Editions


What Is Intelligence?

Original title: Qu’est-ce que l’intelligence ?

Author: Lhérété (ed.), Héloïse

Original Language: French

Original Publisher: Editions Sciences Humaines


Brain Habits. The Science of Subconscious Success

Author: Campbell, Phillip John

Original Language: English

Original Publisher: enigmaFIT Corporation