Choose Your Age. The Latest Scientific Discoveries to Extend Your Youth

Original title: Décider de son âge

Publication Date:

April 2024



Original language and publisher

French | Allary Editions

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Choose Your Age. The Latest Scientific Discoveries to Extend Your Youth

Original title: Décider de son âge


The expert collects the most recent data regarding the biology of aging and its tracks to drive back limitations. — Sciences et Avenir 

For the first time ever, a book that’s both reader-friendly and fueled by the latest scientific data shows us concretely how to extend our youth!

The author, Jean-Marc Lemaître, an expert in longevity mechanisms at France’s National Institute of Health and Medical Research (INSERM), is a world-renowned, cutting-edge researcher in the fight against aging.

By reprograming cells, he and his team managed to increase healthy life expectancy in animals by 30%. Now he is working on a method that would allow individuals to learn their biological age, i.e. their true age – which can differ from their chronological age. That would allow doctors to evaluate the speed at which we are aging in order to slow the process down with personalized care. A new branch of medicine focused on longevity.

This book, written for the general public, describes simple strategies that already exist and are easy to put into place, as well as innovations currently in development to allow us all to live and stay healthy longer.