Counterpoint Press

COUNTERPOINT LLC was created in 2007 through the acquisition of three notable independent presses: Counterpoint, Shoemaker & Hoard, and Soft Skull Press. In January 2008, the company began publishing two imprints, Counterpoint and Soft Skull Press. Shoemaker & Hoard titles are now being published under the Counterpoint imprint. In 2016, Counterpoint merged with Catapult, an independent press and publisher of an award-winning online magazine.

Author-driven, we devote all energy to the fresh, cutting-edge, and literary voices of our authors. The genres we cover are vast—fiction and nonfiction, poetry, graphic novels, and anthologies, all of which collectively focus on current affairs and politics, counterculture, music, history, memoir, literary biography, religion, and philosophy.

The company’s office is in Berkeley, California.

Counterpoint books are distributed by Penguin Random House.

See Counterpoint’s backlist gems (list includes titles from Catapult & Soft Skull) here.

Books where Counterpoint Press is the 'Original Publisher'

by Elizabeth Rosner
by Dane Bahr
by Gary Snyder
by Leta McCollough Seletzky
by Andrew Amelinckx
by Banana Yoshimoto, Asa (trans.) Yoneda
by Reece Jones
by Red Pine
by Wendell Berry
by W. Scott Poole
by Susan Griffin
by Brian Thomas Swimme
by Antong Lucky
by Toni Mirosevich
by Scarlett Thomas
by Alison Hawthorne Deming
by Kathleen Dean Moore
by Maggie Downs
by Dane Bahr
by Liz Tichenor
by Chantal James
by Omar Sharif Jr.
by Caroline Knapp
by Scott Russell Sanders
by Flynn Coleman
by S. Kirk Walsh
by Neil Shister
by Jeffrey S. Cramer
by Thomas Kohnstamm
by Scott Warren
by Nnamdi Ehirim
by Michael Kaufman
by Robert Michael Pyle
by W. Scott Poole
by Jeff Biggers
by Terese Marie Mailhot
by Wendell Berry