

Making Room for the Deceased. For the Memory of the Departed and the Good of the Living

Original title: Redonner une place à nos morts. Pour la mémoire des défunts et le bien des vivants

Author: Waller, Marion

Original Language: French

Original Publisher: Allary Editions


Videoconferencing Was the Death of Me. Office Life When There Is No More

Original title: La visio m’a tuer. La vie de bureau quand il n’y en a plus !

Author: des Isnards, Alexandre

Original Language: French

Original Publisher: Allary Editions


The Otium of the People. Reclaiming Free Time

Original title: L’otium du peuple. À la reconquête du temps libre

Author: Pire, Jean-Miguel

Original Language: French

Original Publisher: Editions Sciences Humaines


Brick by Brick, Wall by Wall. A History of Penal Abolitionism

Original title: Brique par brique, mur par mur. Une histoire de l’abolitionnisme pénal

Authors: Ricordeau, Gwenola, Charbit, Joël, Morisse, Shaïn

Original Language: French

Original Publisher: Lux Editeur


Veganwashing. The Political Instrumentalization of Veganism

Original title: Veganwashing. Contre la récupération politique du véganisme

Author: Segal, Jérôme

Original Language: French

Original Publisher: Lux Editeur


The Capitalist Orgy. Conversations With Adrien Rivierre

Original title: L’orgie capitaliste. Entretiens avec Adrien Rivierre

Authors: Dugain, Marc, Rivierre, Adrien

Original Language: French

Original Publisher: Allary Editions


Another Look. Lines and Pebbles Vol. 5

Original title: Un autre regard. Des lignes et des cailloux t. 5

Author: Emma

Original Language: French

Original Publisher: Massot Editions


The Society Of Provocation. An Essay On the Obscenity Of the Rich

Original title: La société de provocation

Author: Namian, Dahlia

Original Language: French

Original Publisher: Lux Editeur


Our Fathers, Our Brothers, Our Friends. Inside the Minds of Violent Men

Original title: Nos pères, nos frères, nos amis

Author: Palain, Mathieu

Original Language: French

Original Publisher: Les Arènes