Veganwashing. The Political Instrumentalization of Veganism

Original title: Veganwashing. Contre la récupération politique du véganisme

Author: Segal, Jérôme

Publication Date:

May 2024



Original language and publisher

French | Lux Editeur

Territories Handled

Worldwide excl. French


Current Affairs, Politics, Society

Veganwashing. The Political Instrumentalization of Veganism

Original title: Veganwashing. Contre la récupération politique du véganisme

Author: Segal, Jérôme


Veganism is on the rise. From the jousting between ecologists and barbecue advocates to the dubious alliances between the extreme right and anti-speciesists, the animal cause is being used to divert attention from the uglier aspects of certain movements, companies and governments. The term first appeared in Israel, in response to a campaign by Netanyahu. Modeled on greenwashing, which denounces the corporate rhetoric used by polluting companies to green their image, the term veganwashing denounces a similar policy.

Why is veganism so vulnerable to political recuperation? To prevent the animal cause from being perverted, veganwashing needs to be unmasked, and that’s what this book aims to do.