

Descent into the Male Heart: What the Movement Says About Us

Original title: Descente au Cœur du Mâle: De quoi #MeToo est-il le nom?

Author: Liogier, Raphaël

Original Language: French

Original Publisher: Les Liens Qui Liberent


Forest for the Tweets: A Year Inside Twitter

Author: Smart, Andrew

Original Language: English

Original Publisher: OR Books


Happycracy. How the Science of Happiness Controls our Lives

Authors: Cabanas, Edgar,

Original Language: English

Original Publisher: Premier Parallèle

Client: Books And More Agency


The Office Mythologies, Or the Sweet Tyranny of the Corporate Life

Original title: Le syndrome de la chouquette, ou la tyrannie sucrée de la vie de bureau

Author: Santolaria, Nicolas

Original Language: French

Original Publisher: Anamosa


Take-Off Allowance

Original title: Autorisation de décollage

Author: Claux, Olivier

Original Language: French

Original Publisher: Editions de l’Opportun


Just A Child. Britain’s Biggest Child Abuse Scandal Exposed

Author: Sammy Woodhouse

Original Language: English (UK)

Original Publisher: Blink Publishing


The War Over Rare Metals.The Hidden Side of Ecological Transition

Original title: La guerre des métaux rares

Author: Pitron, Guillaume

Original Language: French

Original Publisher: Les Liens Qui Liberent

Client: Books And More Agency


The New Age For Humanity. The challenges of posthumanism explained to a high school student

Original title: Le nouvel âge de l’humanité

Author: Picq, Pascal

Original Language: French

Original Publisher: Allary Editions


First They Erased Our Name. A Rohingya Speaks Up

Original title: D’abord ils ont effacé notre nom. Un Rohingya témoigne

Author: Habiburahman with Ansel, Sophie

Original Language: French

Original Publisher: Editions de la Martinière Littérature


Conflagrations. A century of children's drawings of war, conflict and mass crimes

Original title: Déflagrations

Author: Girardeau, Zérane (ed.)

Original Language: French

Original Publisher: Anamosa