

Third Ear. Reflections on the Art and Science of Listening

Author: Rosner, Elizabeth

Original Language: English

Original Publisher: Counterpoint Press


You Can Dress Again. Everything about Endometriosis

Original title: Je mag je weer aankleden. Alles over endometriose

Author: van Hoek, Maartje

Original Language: Dutch

Original Publisher: Bertram en De Leeuw Publishers


Rivermouth. A Chronicle of Language, Faith, and Migration

Author: Oliva, Alejandra

Original Language: English (USA)

Original Publisher: Astra House


Wild Dances: My Queer and Curious Journey to Eurovision

Author: Adams, William Lee

Original Language: English (USA)

Original Publisher: Astra House


The Bathysphere Book. Effects of the Luminous Ocean Depths

Author: Fox, Brad

Original Language: English

Original Publisher: Astra House


The Brave In-Between. Notes from the Last Room

Author: Low, Amy

Original Language: English (USA)

Original Publisher: Hachette Books

Client: The Watermark Agency


Gentrifier: A Memoir

Author: Moore, Anne Elizabeth

Original Language: English

Original Publisher: Catapult


Dear Pier Paolo

Original title: Caro Pier Paolo

Author: Maraini, Dacia

Original Language: Italian

Original Publisher: Neri Pozza

Client: Malatesta Literary Agency


“What Death Told Me…” The Incredible Confession of an Embalmer

Original title: « Ce que la mort m’a dit… » Les incroyables confessions d’un embaumeur

Author: Emphoux, Olivier

Original Language: French

Original Publisher: Editions de l’Opportun


The Tiger and the Cage: A Memoir of a Body in Crisis

Author: Bolden, Emma

Original Language: English

Original Publisher: Soft Skull