

Observing the Beauty of Nature

Original title: Devant la beauté de la nature

Author: Lacroix, Alexandre

Original Language: French

Original Publisher: Allary Editions


The Children of the Void. Breaking away from the Impasse of Individualism

Original title: Les enfants du vide. Sortons de l’impasse de l’individualisme

Author: Glucksmann, Raphaël

Original Language: French

Original Publisher: Allary Editions


The Neanderthals from A to Z

Original title: Neandertal de A à Z

Author: Patou-Mathis, Marylène

Original Language: French

Original Publisher: Allary Editions


The Cyclist and His Shadow

Original title: Le coureur et son ombre

Author: Haralambon, Olivier

Original Language: French

Original Publisher: Premier Parallèle

Client: Books And More Agency


The World-Ending Fire

Author: Berry, Wendell

Original Language: English

Original Publisher: Counterpoint Press


Three Friends in Search of Wisdom

Original title: Trois amis en quête de sagesse

Authors: André, Christophe, Jollien, Alexandre, Ricard, Matthieu

Original Language: French

Original Publisher: Allary Editions


Alexandre Grothendieck: In the Footsteps of the Last Mathematical Genius

Original title: Alexandre Grothendieck: Sur les traces du dernier génie des mathématiques

Author: Douroux, Philippe

Original Language: French

Original Publisher: Allary Editions