The Neanderthals from A to Z
Original title: Neandertal de A à Z
Being trendy is being Neanderthal…You’ll learn plenty of things from this book. — France Info
With this pedagogic and exhaustive approach, all kinds of readers will definitely find their niche! This book will expand your horizons! — Site Hominidés
An encyclopedia of everything we know today about this hominid and what gives him his place in human history. — Le Soir
A complete dictionary that focuses on the most recent scientific discoveries concerning the Neanderthal. — France 5
An accessible dictionary peppered with keywords. Some entries are surprising but quite instructive. — La Recherche
A very rich dictionary I learned a great deal from. — L’Homme Qui Lit
A fascinating “dictionary” that focuses on the latest discoveries about man and the Neanderthal. The Neanderthals from A to Z allows us to pick at the subject to our hearts’ content. — La Libre Belgique
An essential anthropological summary to learn about this Other that is so close to us. — Pour l’instant
A voluminous alphabet book allowing us to discover the Neanderthals from A to Z. — Sciences et Avenir
A beautiful overview of the Neanderthal. — RCF Radio, Les racines du présent
An engaging dictionary. — Philosophie Magazine
The excellent The Neanderthals from A to Z, THE book of reference on the subject! — France Inter, Les Saventuriers
A delicious, info-stuffed dictionary that allows us to peck bit-by-bit at the subject! — RTL
An alphabet book to familiarize yourself quite well with the very different aspects of the Neanderthal. — France Inter, La Tête au carré
A book that has inspired us! It’s fantastic! — Daniel Morin, Vous les Femmes, France Inter
The reference book on the Neanderthals
The Neanderthals are not completely extinct! They live on in our DNA…
But who were they really? How did they live? How did they take care of themselves? What was their habitat like? Did they practice cannibalism? How did they bury their dead? Were they artists? Why did they go extinct? What was their relationship with the Homo sapien? From abscesses to Zafarraya, via cave lions and toothpicks, this detailed dictionary presents the latest scientific discoveries. The Neanderthal will never again be seen as an ape-like creature, inferior to our species. The Neanderthals from A to Z is the reference book that will return the Neanderthal to its rightful place in human history.
Marylène Patou-Mathis is a prehistorian and research director at the CNRS, leading the team for ‘Behaviours of Neandertalians and anatomically modern Humans’. She curated the exhibition on the Neanderthals on show at the French Natural History Museum from 29th March, 2018.