

Political Commitment in the Age of Unprecedented

Original title: Faire que ! L’engagement politique à l’ère de l’inouï

Author: Deneault, Alain

Original Language: French

Original Publisher: Lux Editeur


Because We Care

Original title: Because We Care. La première méthode de coaching alimentaire et sportif sous contrainte environnementale

Author: Menthéour, Erwann

Original Language: French

Original Publisher: En Exergue


Why do I take my shower three minutes too long? The 14 real impediments to saving the planet and the solution to overcome them

Original title: Pourquoi je prends ma douche trois minutes de trop ? Les 14 obstacles à la préservation de la planète et leur solution

Author: Ripoll, Thierry

Original Language: French

Original Publisher: Editions Sciences Humaines


Firefighters and Pyromaniacs

Original title: Pompières et pyromanes

Author: Delveaux, Martine

Original Language: French

Original Publisher: Héliotrope

Client: Books And More Agency


Tomorrow. A New World in the Making

Original title: Demain. Un nouveau monde en marche

Author: Dion, Cyril

Original Language: French

Original Publisher: Actes Sud


Animal. The Last Shield For Nature

Original title: Animal. Pour la nature, ils sont le dernier rempart

Author: Dion, Cyril

Original Language: French

Original Publisher: Actes Sud


Legacy. Heritage of a life

Original title: Legacy. L’héritage d’une vie

Author: Arthus-Bertrand, Yann

Original Language: French

Original Publisher: Editions de la Martinière Littérature


The Roe Deer Man

Original title: L’homme-chevreuil

Author: Delorme, Geoffroy

Original Language: French

Original Publisher: Les Arènes

Client: Books And More Agency


People’s Power. Reclaiming the Energy Commons

Author: Dawson, Ashley

Original Language: English

Original Publisher: OR Books