Political Commitment in the Age of Unprecedented
Original title: Faire que ! L’engagement politique à l’ère de l’inouï
The era of the unprecedented marks ecological and climatic mutations unseen before, and the forthcoming social transformations will be radical.
In a world where political thought is struggling to find objects as clear-cut as socialism was in the previous century, angst is a driving force in the search for substitute objects, but their inadequacy creates even more angst…
What is to be done? This question is so often asked that it causes vertigo. It has punctuated political thought for more than a century, and is finally causing us to freeze. Before asking it, we need to examine its premises and implications. So, beyond any tightly defined program, we must reflect on the movement, the trial, the risk, the attempt, in order to discover the object of our thinking at the very moment it is given to us.