Editions des Sciences Humaines

In the 21st century, this is a major challenge for the human sciences: to bring together the pieces of the puzzle into a coherent whole, to put the pieces of knowledge back together, to regain the momentum of the founders while drawing on the rich material of accumulated knowledge and being guided by the problems and questions of today.

Éditions Sciences Humaines ofers readers a state of knowledge in the diferent disciplines that make up the “human sciences” - psychology, communication, philosophy, sociology, history, anthropology, ethnology, education and training, political science, as well as on the various related themes: organizations, the brain, religion, the individual, adolescence, power...

Éditions Sciences Humaines is aimed at all those (students, trainers, teachers, decisionmakers, amateurs and the curious) who wish to understand and know the contemporary world and the people who shape it, through demanding and rigorous works but always guided by the concern to preserve the pleasure of reading and discovery.

_________________ For more than 30 years, Sciences Humaines, faithful to its intellectual project, to its spirit of synthesis and clarity, has continued independently, against all odds, to promote reason, knowledge, general culture, pedagogy, the defence of humanism and to promote a pluralist and enlightened debate. Today, it is with children that we wish to share our knowledge, in order to give them the tools to make them aware of the scientific spirit and to show them how knowledge is built, through experiments, observations, investigations, but also in how to fight against disinformation. The How Do We Know? series, aimed at children aged 8 to 11, is written in close collaboration with scientists and richly illustrated to be as accessible as possible.

Books where Editions Sciences Humaines is the Original Publisher

by Laurent Testot
by Laurent Testot
by Héloïse Lhérété (ed.)
by Jean-Miguel Pire
by Nicolas Journet (ed.)
by Gilles Fumey
by Jean-François (ed.) Marmion
by Michèle Petit
by Thierry Ripoll
by Benoît Heilbrunn
by Cécile Peltier, Martine Fournier
by Hélène (ed.) Frouard, Bruno (ed.) Poissonnier, Marie (ill.) Dortier, Jean-François Dortier
by Maud Navarre (ed.)
by Jean-François Dortier
by Jean-François Marmion
by Jean-François (ed.) Marmion
by Gérald Gaillard, Nicolas Journet (ed.)
by Mikkel Borch-Jacobsen
by Héloïse Lhérété (ed.)
by Luc De Brabandere, Anne Mikolajczak, Vincent Rif
by Héloïse Lhérété (ed.)
by Didier Jourdan
by Jean-François (ed.) Marmion
by Jean-François (ed.) Marmion
by Jean-François (ed.) Marmion
by Jean-François Dortier, Louisa Yousfi
by Thierry Ripoll
by Romina Rinaldi
by Laurent Testot
by Jean-François Dortier
by Jean-François Dortier
by Jean-François Dortier
by Jean-François (ed.) Marmion
by Jean-François (ed.) Marmion