"Animals & Nature"


Cat-astrophe! 153 Murphy’s Laws for Cats

Original title: Chat suffit ! 153 lois de l’emmerdement maximum du chat

Author: Ziggy

Original Language: French

Original Publisher: Editions de l’Opportun


Psychology of Animals

Original title: Psychologie des animaux

Author: Marmion, Jean-François (ed.)

Original Language: French

Original Publisher: Editions Sciences Humaines


Among the Trees: An Essay on Communal Living

Original title: Parmi les arbres. Essai de vie commune

Author: Jenni, Alexis

Original Language: French

Original Publisher: Actes Sud


Autobiography of an Octopus

Original title: Autobiographie d’un poulpe

Author: Despret, Vinciane

Original Language: French

Original Publisher: Actes Sud


The Story of a River

Original title: Le fleuve qui voulait écrire

Author: De Toledo, Camille

Original Language: French

Original Publisher: Les Liens Qui Liberent

Client: Books And More Agency


The Fig Tree

Original title: La foglia di fico

Author: Pascale, Antonio

Original Language: Italian

Original Publisher: Einaudi

Client: Carmen Prestia Literary Agency


A Small Patch of Ground

Original title: Dans un carré de terre

Author: Rebulard, Samuel

Original Language: French

Original Publisher: L’Iconoclaste

Client: Books And More Agency


The Incredible History of Animals

Original title: L’incroyable histoire des animaux

Authors: Matignon, Karine-Lou, Martin, Olivier

Original Language: French

Original Publisher: Les Arènes


The Origin of the World. A natural history of the soil for those who walk upon it

Original title: L’Origine du monde. Une histoire naturelle du sol à l’intention de ceux qui le piétinent

Author: Selosse, Marc-André

Original Language: French

Original Publisher: Actes Sud


Animal. The Last Shield For Nature

Original title: Animal. Pour la nature, ils sont le dernier rempart

Author: Dion, Cyril

Original Language: French

Original Publisher: Actes Sud