Pascale, Antonio


Antonio Pascale is an agronomist who works at the Ministry of the Envinonment in Rome. He studied and grew up in Caserta. He is a writer, essayist, theater and television author and inspector at the Mipaaf. He has published, among others, La città distratta, Ritorno alla città distratta, La manutenzione degli affetti, Passa la bellezza, Scienza e sentimento, Le attenuanti sentimentali ​and ​Le aggravanti sentimentali.​ ​He collaborates with «Il Mattino», «Il Foglio», for which he directs the biweekly of agriculture «Agrifoglio», «Rivista Studio», «Link. ​Idee per la tv »,« Mind »,« ​Le Scien​ze​​​​ »,« limes » and has a blog on « Post ». He deals with scientific dissemination.​ ​All his books are published by Giulio Einaudi editore.