The Necessary Revolution. Succeeding the Ecological Transition without Depending on China and the United States

Original title: La révolution obligée. Réussir la transition écologique sans dépendre de la Chine et des États-Unis

Publication Date:

February 2024



Original language and publisher

French | Allary Editions

Territories Handled

Worldwide excl. French

Territories Sold

Netherlands (Pluim)



Number of copies sold:

7,000 in print

Foreign Covers


The Necessary Revolution. Succeeding the Ecological Transition without Depending on China and the United States

Original title: La révolution obligée. Réussir la transition écologique sans dépendre de la Chine et des États-Unis


A passionate book. — Le Nouvel Esprit Public 

An essay that hits the nail right on the head with its analysis of current of affairs.  La Dépêche

We recommend this book to all of our political leaders, it is inspirational. RTBF

Passionate. A book that resonates with current affairs entirely.  En Société

An essay that comes right at the perfect moment.  Le Soir

A plea in favor of a productive ecology which does not come at the expense of the middle classes and farmers. — Le Figaro

Remarkable work for the ecological transition in Europe.— L’Express

The green transition hasn’t started yet.

Despite technological innovations, changes in our habits, firms’ promises, national strategies and all the COPs, the world has never consumed so much fossil fuel as it did in 2023.

Why has there been so much speechifying for so little concrete effect? Is there anything at all behind the greening that so many organizations and citizens have been calling for?

China and the United States have already initiated spectacular industrial renewals. They are positioning themselves as champions of the green economy while organizing our dependence on them.

France and Europe, on the other hand, have been establishing more and more ambitious environmental standards that lead to populist, anti-ecological backlash. We are still trying to figure out how to transform how we produce, consume, live, get around, and eat. Without stoking anger. While also asserting our industrial and political power at the same time.

We have less than 30 years to achieve our green transition. This book is a how-to manual that can enable us to achieve that.

Foreign Covers
