Slow Democracy
Original title: Slow Démocratie
An important, intelligent and inspiring book about one of the most important subjects of the coming decennium: how do we regain control over capitalism? —Mizzi van der Pluijm,Uitgeverij Pluim
An intelligent, hopeful book. — NRC Handelsblad
Neither populist nor eurosceptic, David Djaïz shows that the national level remains indispensable when thinking about solidarity, ecology and progress. — Laurent Joffrin, Libération
Evoking history, literature, economics and philosophy with virtuosity, one is reminded of the protective virtues of an inclusive nation. — Le Point
Slow Democracy invites us to regain control of an ”unrestrained globalization. — Le Monde
A detailed description of globalization and its consequences stands out in his work. —Le Figaro Magazine – Alexandre Devecchio
With Slow Democracy, David Djaïz invites us to break
any partial analysis of democracy. — Le Grand Continent – Alexandre EscudierDavid Djaïz is a senior civil servant, not yet in his thirties and already full of ideas to give meaning and substance to the democratic debate. — FranceInfo – Patrice Romedenne
Founded on sovereign nations, Slow Democracy represents the only viable future for our Western democracies.
In response to unbridled globalization, which is undermining national sovereignty in many countries and which promotes the rise of populism, it is high time to apply the brakes. Western democracies need to regain control of their own fates, and there is only one tool that will allow them to do that: nations. Not the ones loved by nationalists and anti-Europeans. The ones that will allow us to rebuild lost our political, social, and territorial unity. Open, social, ecological and humanist nations.
And we need to act fast, because the far right is coming to power in countries around the globe, and it appeals to young voters. To parry the rise of populisms, we can no longer settle for wishful thinking about standing together against fascism, or makeshift solutions doled out by governments to extinguish outbursts. Liberal democracy, which we thought was too deeply entrenched to be uprooted, is in fact at death’s door. And if nothing changes, the voting booths will sound its death knell.
So Slow Democracy, founded on sovereign nations, represents the only viable future for our western democracies. Social-democrats, ecologists, and progressives shouldn’t be afraid to claim it as their own. The nation is a forward-thinking project. It is becoming more and more urgent to wrest it back from the hands of the pyromaniacs who are instrumentalizing it for their racist, nationalistic ambitions.
Marketing Information
- Winner of the Prix Etudiant du Livre Politique – LCP 2020 and Edouard Bonnefous de l’Académie des sciences morales et politiques
- Shortlisted for the Prix Pétrarque, Prix du Livre Politique and Prix du Mémorial (grand prix littéraire dʼAjaccio)