Request more information Marmion, Jean-François Biography Jean-François Marmion is a psychologist and former editor-in-chief of the journal Le Cercle Psy, and the editor of Psychology of Stupidity (translated in the US by Penguin and in 19 other countries), Universal History of Stupidity, Psychology of Stupidity in Politics, Psychology of Beautiful and Ugly Ones, and Psychology According to Squid Game. He also wrote the comic book Cervocomix (Les Arènes, 2019). Books C’est à toi d’écrire ta propre histoire ! Cesse de ruminer, tourne la page et écris la suite ! Parents, soyez toltèques! Le guide pratique pour une éducation sereine 5 cailloux à retirer de votre chaussure La psychologie selon Harry Potter Histoire de la psychologie. De pinel à damasio 101 dates clés