5 Stones to Remove From Your Shoe

Original title: 5 cailloux à retirer de votre chaussure

Publication Date:

January 2023



Original language and publisher

Territories Handled

Worldwide excl. French


Personal Development

5 Stones to Remove From Your Shoe

Original title: 5 cailloux à retirer de votre chaussure


To be afraid to suffer, to be unable to cut the cord, to think that you don’t deserve happiness, never take care of yourself, and to think that life has no meaning: here are the 5 pebbles that ruin your life!

If it happens that you feel them and remove them from your shoe, in most cases, you ignore their existence while they make you suffer. What do they really say about you? And how to get rid of them?

Jean-Francois Marmion conducted the survey with eighteen psychologists, psychiatrists, psychoanalysts, and psychotherapists including Boris Cyrulnik, Laurie Hawkes, and Corinne Cosseron to get their most valuable advice!