Bhargava, Rohit
Rohit Bhargava is a trend curator, founder of the Influential Marketing Group, and an expert in helping brands and leaders be more influential. He is the author of eight books on topics as wide-ranging as the future of healthcare, building
a brand with personality, and why leaders never eat cauliflower. Rohit has advised hundreds of global brands and is a Professor of Marketing at Georgetown University. A two-time TEDx speaker, Rohit has been invited to keynote events in 32 countries and is regularly quoted in media outlets including The New York Times, Harvard Business Review, and NPR. He is also a monthly contributor and columnist for GQ magazine.

Non-Obvious Thinking. How to See What Others Miss

The Future Normal: How We Will Live, Work and Thrive in the Next Decade

Beyond Diversity: 12 Non-Obvious Ways To Build A More Inclusive World

Non-Obvious Guide To Working Remotely. Being Productive Without Getting Distracted, Lonely or Bored

Non-Obvious Guide To Marketing & Branding. Without A Big Budget