Ackerman, Angela
Angela Ackerman is a bestselling author, story coach, and international speaker who is passionate about helping writers become stronger storytellers. This led to a collaboration with co-author Becca Puglisi to create a series of hybrid books—part how-to guide and part brainstorming tool—which quickly became known as “the Gold Standard of writing guides.” Their flagship book, The Emotion Thesaurus: A Writer’s Guide to Character Expression, and its sequels are sourced by universities, recommended by agents and editors, and are used by novelists, screenwriters, and psychologists around the world. To date, their series has sold over 1.2 million copies.
Angela, a Canadian, is also the co-founder of the popular Writers Helping Writers® site, as well as One Stop for Writers®, a portal to game-changing tools and resources that enable writers to craft powerful fiction.