
Original title: Zeroventi

Author: Bussola, Matteo

Publication Date:

October 2023



Original language and publisher

Italian | Einaudi

Territories Handled

France, Netherlands, Scandinavia, World English

Number of copies sold:



Original title: Zeroventi

Author: Bussola, Matteo


A sentimental, brilliant, and moving comedy, created and written by Matteo Bussola and drawn by Emilio Pilliu.

Zero point twenty seconds. That is the time it takes, according to science, for us to fall in love with someone.

Nadine and Davide run away from two failed loves. He dreams of everything following his ‘perfect plan’, but seems incapable of building a solid relationship. She, on the other hand, believes in the couple, but must learn to ‘save herself’. Chance brings them together in the most beautiful city in the world, as they reflect on their wounds and their way of loving. Something drives them toward each other: will it be stronger than the fear of suffering again? Because, if falling in love takes a moment, getting to know each other requires a lifetime.

The first manga series by Einaudi Stile Libero. Stories of formation, of women and men who seek their place in the world, who want to forget someone, or leave something behind, to start a new life. To meet their own Zeroventi.