Rosemary Doesn't Get Winter

Original title: Il rosmarino non capisce l’inverno

Author: Bussola, Matteo

Publication Date:

June 2022



Original language and publisher

Italian | Einaudi

Territories Handled

France, Netherlands, Scandinavia, World English

Territories Sold

Israel (Kimmeret)


Commercial Fiction

Number of copies sold:


Rosemary Doesn't Get Winter

Original title: Il rosmarino non capisce l’inverno

Author: Bussola, Matteo


Rosemary goes untouched through winter and blossoms again in spring, hence the title, because these women so profoundly human, they suffer life’s bad weather, love, death, sickness, betrayal and they can dry up for a while, but they come back, they always do.— Tuttolibri, La Stampa

Matteo Bussola always gives the impression of handling pain with such tenderness, but underneath those soft words there is a merciless life, moments to remember and moments you would rather forget… Maybe though his secret lies in the tenacious belief that, no matter what, life is always worth living. — La Repubblica

Only a few authors can seize with such modesty our desire and fear to be happy.

There are only a few authors like Bussola, authors who can recount, with such delicacy and profoundness, the contradictions of human relationships. Only a few can seize with such modesty our desire and fear to be happy.

A lonely woman who finds love in her late life. A daughter who struggles to forgive her mother. A young woman who does not want children because she would not stand their suffering. A widow who writes to her husband. A sixteen years old girl who falls in love with her girlfriend. An old lady who tells a terrible secret to her caregiver.

The heroines of this book are everything but heroes, they are ordinary people, they could be our neighbors, our colleagues, our sisters, our daughters, they could be us. Fragile and strong, meek and cruel, restless and happy, they love and hate with all they have, because they think love is their key chance. They fall, like all of us, and yet they hold up, like rosemary when winter tries to bring it down and yet it resists being born again in spring despite its scars.

A novel made of ordinary and exceptional stories intertwined, moving, touching, and questioning stories.

“I decided to write about women because I am not one. Because I feel I do not know them well enough, even if I live with four of them. And because it is much more useful to write about something you want to get to know better than to write about something you think you know a lot about.”

Marketing Information

  • #3 in the bestsellers list
  • English sample available