War Against Health

Original title: Guerra à saúde

Author: Braga, Ugo

Publication Date:

October 2020



Original language and publisher

Brazilian Portuguese | Leya (Brazil)

Territories Handled

Netherlands, Scandinavia, World English

Territories Sold

Film/TV rights (Filmes do Impossível)


Narrative Non-Fiction

War Against Health

Original title: Guerra à saúde

Author: Braga, Ugo


In January/2020, a group of doctors, nurses, biologists and civil servants comes together under the leadership of the Minister of Health to face the arrival of the Coronavirus in Brazil. The strategy achieves absolute success and manages to delay the virulence of the disease in the country. Quickly, however, it wins fierce opposition from the Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro, who wages a public war against the health team. The book is narrated in the first person by the author, who was then Director of the Social Communication Department of the Health Ministry, and reveals details of the backstage secrets that are usually kept hidden from the public.

The book is divided in two alternate part: the odd chapters, named New Testament, which narrate the last 19 days of the health team’s work in the front against the virus; and the even chapters, named Old Testament, which reveal in rich details the process that culminated in the open war between the Minister of Health and the supposed-to-be Leader of the Nation amidst the most severe and dramatic sanitary, economic, social and political crisis in Brazilian history. It is a real story about power, jealousy and the endless fight between life and death.

Marketing Information

  • English sample available