Together Wherever

Original title: Ovunque sia, saremo insieme

Publication Date:

May 2019



Original language and publisher

Italian | Mondadori

Territories Handled

France, Netherlands, Scandinavia, World English


Literary Fiction

Together Wherever

Original title: Ovunque sia, saremo insieme


Opening up, confiding joy and pain, anger and resentment, amazing landscapes, sad stories, incredible memories, yes, opening up, as if in a song. Opening up. Laying your pain inside someone else’s heart. Perhaps this is the stuff friendship is made of; without a doubt it is the unique and special bond that links Sonia and Marta, best friends ever since their lives crossed, almost by coincidence, in the washroom at primary school. Since then they have never failed to tackle all joy or suffering together, each heart an extension of the other’s. And together, year after year, Sonia and Marta grow up, fall in love, get angry, fall and despair, make love, dream, fall again and get up onto their feet again, but most of all never stop really listening to each another, always, always telling each other the truth.

If there is one certainty in their fragile and disorderly lives, it is that each is and will be much more for the other than a confidante, than a sister, than a shoulder to cry on, than someone who defends you even when you’re in the wrong, even when you make a mistake, more than a hand to squeeze when nothing else is left, more than someone who will stay even when there’s nothing left. And when you’re lucky enough to have a person by your side who knows your thoughts even before you think them and who – you’re certain – will never abandon you whatever happens, very slowly fear stops paralyzing you and you find the courage to try and take flight. In any case, you know that watching you from the ground with eyes full of love, she will always be there – your best friend – and that, even if your paths.

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