The Wisdom of the Witch

Original title: De wijsheid van de heks

Author: Smit, Susan

Publication Date:

March 2022



Original language and publisher

Dutch | Lebowksi

Territories Handled

Worldwide excl. Dutch

Territories Sold

France (under option)


Religion & Spirituality

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The Wisdom of the Witch

Original title: De wijsheid van de heks

Author: Smit, Susan


In a personal way, Susan Smit describes how witchcraft is rooted in ancient and universal wisdom; a must for everyone who wants to stand strong from within. — Dr. Annine van der Meer, theologian and historian

Susan Smit describes her development as a human being and as a witch unabridged. If you see the witch as a forerunner of the women’s movement, then her wisdom is very useful. — Trouw (major Dutch newspaper)

Personal lessons from twenty years of practicing the ancient nature religion.

Witchcraft is, like any other nature religion, unorganized. There are no holy books, buildings or prophets, no strict set of rules. Many people therefore prefer to call it a spiritual path. Susan Smit, who has been walking the path of the witch for more than twenty years, shares everything she has learned on her journey of personal development in this book. She tells you what she knows about the laws of nature and the philosophy of life according to the old religion and she presents you with the means to grow.

Susan demonstrates in what ways the old nature religion can help you in the here and now to deal with emotions, to maintain and cleanse your life energy, to understand the connection between your body and sexuality, to utilize creativity, intuition and the power of creation, and to care for the earth and each other. In short, witchcraft teaches us just how much nature and feminine values have to offer us.

Marketing Information

  • By the author of the bestseller The Last Witch Hunt
  • Over 25,000 copies sold
  • In the top-25 of the Bestseller 60 for 17 weeks
  • English sample available