The Philosophy of Hip-Hop

Original title: Philosophie du hip-hop, des origines à Lauryn Hill

Publication Date:

August 2019



Original language and publisher

French | Editions XYZ

Territories Handled

English (World excl Canada), France, Germany, Italy, Netherlands, Portugal, Scandinavia

Territories Sold

France (Le Castor Astral)
French Audio (Vues & voix)


Essay, Music, Philosophy

The Philosophy of Hip-Hop

Original title: Philosophie du hip-hop, des origines à Lauryn Hill


Philosophy is everywhere, for the simple reason that everyone lives their life according to certain guiding principles. If philosophy is to become accessible to the masses, it must be sought out in existing contemporary culture and not only in well-structured systems of thought from the distant past.

Can we mix Tupac with Machiavelli, DJ art with Kant, NWA with Plato ? This is the surprising bet of Jérémie McEwen, philosopher, professor, and hip-hop specialist who extends the mission of his “Philosophy of hip-hop” class to this thorough, accessible, and original essay. 

By combining big-name philosophers with influential hip-hop artists, McEwen uses numerous examples to demonstrate that what is often perceived as music’s poor relation can in fact be interpreted through the lens of currents and concepts judged to be above street culture.

A fascinating read for hip-hop and philosophy fans alike — neophytes as well as experts. McEwen sketches out the genre and its most important figures while restoring philosophy to its rightful place — real life.

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