The Dragons

Original title: Les Dragons

Author: Colin, Jérôme

Publication Date:

August 2023



Original language and publisher

French | Allary Editions

Territories Handled

Worldwide excl. French


Literary Fiction

Number of copies sold:



  • Prix du Roman Fnac 2023 (longlisted)
  • Selection "Rentrée littéraire française" Cultura
  • Prix Castel 2023 (longlisted)
  • Manneken-Prix de l’auteur bruxellois (winner)
  • Prix Macondo 2024 (winner)

The Dragons

Original title: Les Dragons

Author: Colin, Jérôme


Jérôme Colin’s moving novel sheds light on one of our societies’ major problems: teenage malaise, a drama that is constantly on the rise. A book of public interest. — L’Obs

Jérôme takes our heart and squeezes it between his lines.  — RTBF, Le Mug

Documented, deep, as tender as it is brutal and visceral, this novel cannot leave you indifferent!  — Femme Actuelle

Les Dragons is a sound of despair that shakes and upsets.  — Paris Normandie

An absolute tenderness and a beauty that will captivate you. — Biba

Jérôme Colin writes on the verge of misfortune, with a painful tenderness that stirs the heart. Les Dragons can save teenagers on the brink and help their parents find the strength to hold them back. — Amélie Cordonnier

Les Dragons is a story of love at first sight between teenagers who are more normal than they seem. A declaration of love for the kids that our society hides from sight, but who say so much about us.

Jérôme is 15. He’s furious at his parents, who seem so old. At the world that rejects him. At the monsters that keep him awake at night. At himself above all. A judge has decided to commit him to a residential treatment center for teens.

That’s where he meets the dragons, the kids who have been destroyed by their families, school, or the times. One of them is Colette. Shaven head, lacerated arms, black-rimmed eyes.
She wants to die. He wants to hold her and kiss her. Take her far away from here.