The Battlefield

Original title: Le champ de bataille

Author: Colin, Jérôme

Publication Date:

March 2018



Original language and publisher

French | Allary Editions

Territories Handled

Worldwide excl. French

Territories Sold

Netherlands (rights reverted)
Italy (Stile Libero/Einaudi, in a pre-empt)
Romania (rights reverted)
Czech Republic (rights reverted)


Literary Fiction

Foreign Covers

De Bezige Bij

The Battlefield

Original title: Le champ de bataille

Author: Colin, Jérôme


Rhythm, depth, and impact. I held my breath…But not my tears! —​ ​ Joëlle Scoriels, RTBF

A book that’s funny sometimes, but also very touching. It rings true from start to finish. We loved it! — Ciné Télé Revue

The novel throws itself from one side to the other by a razor’s edge humor. A lot of different emotions, plenty of food for thought. — L’Echo

An intimate novel, not because they delve into his life, but because they recount what we all share deep within our experiences. We must note the honesty of these 200 pages, their self-deprecation, their inventiveness, a bittersweet and very human combination of warmth and disquiet. A book that is authentic, witty, subtle, and maybe even useful! — Moustique

A tender book, a book of love…A very well-written novel. — BX1

I particularly appreciated this novel! — Daphné Bertrand, Canal+

A good deal of sensitivity. Sharp writing. — MiNT Bélgique

This is a fascinating and exciting novel. — Patrick Simonin, TV5 Monde

The revelation is truly a gem! I was gobsmacked! — Michel Dufranne, RTBF

A second sensitive and funny book. — Femmes d’aujourd’hui

With much humor, tenderness, and lucidity, Jérôme Colin brilliantly converts a try with his first novel. — Librairie Point Virgule

The writing is as alive as it is tender. — Cédric Godard

Jérôme Colin touched my heart. A novel that probes daily life with a sense of very sharp observation and devastating humor. — Ma Collection de Livres

You’ll laugh, you’ll smile, you’ll be moved by a grand big bang with this family. At some point, The Battlefield really touched me! — B comme Bouquiner

Lead with an alert, raw, and incisive style, this second novel, blends humor and tenderness in a subtle and successful cocktail…a recommended read. — Lire est un plaisir

With depressing wit, Jérôme Colin evokes that fatal night where the beast devours childhood innocence to regurgitate an ungrateful and insolent monster: the teenager. A spirited novel. You’ll find love there that survives the disaster. — David Foenkinos, L’Express

The Battlefield is still the first book deemed a great book to read in the doctor’s office, which is almost a call-back to the writer’s tone. Understanding those who will read it, those who live it. — Benzine

The Battlefield has a narrative whose depth shines through the pages, doubled by a burlesque effect that’s absolutely original. — La (pré)face cachée

A raw, tender finish that is makes us laugh in its jubilance. — Apolline Elter​, L’Eventail

This battlefield recounts adolescence with humor in Jérôme Colin’s second beautiful book. ​ — L’Avenir

A second fantastic novel Nathavh, Babelio

A deeply human book that with this pinch of Belgian salt is oh so much tastier The Reading Bibliophile C Knuts, NetGallery

I really loved the writing style and the sensitivity of the author as he searched for how to be a good father. — Le coin lecture de Nath

An impressive novel  Radio Classique

In an instant, I found The Battlefield very moving  B come Bouquiner

A very well written novel — David Courrier Média Belge

It’s not everyday that a narrator delivers a confession of such intensity on family life and the turmoil of an adolescent son. — Madame Figaro

Teen angst… as seen by the parents

The problem with having kids is that they grow up. With no warning, one day they start slamming doors, getting bad grades and talking in monosyllables. Above all, they stop seeing you as perfect. And that can be hard to take.

Science tells us that it is not their fault. It’s their developing brain that makes them lazy, impulsive and incapable of picking up their own socks. But still. Humanity has created nothing worse than the teens of the digital age.

This is the story of a couple pushed to breaking point by the repeat offensives launched by their fifteen-year-old son. They have done nothing wrong. But war has broken out. And they are not ready. The school gives up and the father spins out of control, while the mother is trying desperately to calm everyone down.

A novel about family when emotions are running high, like on a battlefield.

Marketing Information

  • Over 10,000 copies sold
  • Theatrical adaptation seen by 2,000+ people in Belgium (tour interrupted because of Covid.)

Foreign Covers

De Bezige Bij

Other books by this author