Okay, Universe
Original title: Simone Simoneau: Chronique d’une femme en politique
Beautifully illustrated and visually stunning, the book serves as an introduction of sorts to political activism –and more broadly citizen engagement – accessible to a wide readership interested in public affairs.
Simone Simoneau — Sissi, to friends — wants to do more. Citizen engagement, social justice, environmental issues, women’s rights: if we want things to change, shouldn’t we be willing to jump into the fray?
Simone Simoneau combines the real-life experiences of Valérie Plante, mayor of Montreal, with the talents of Delphie Côté-Lacroix, award winning illustrator. This playful, personal interpretation of Simone’s foray into politics tells the story of one woman who decides to follow her instincts in spite of the political machinery working against her.