
Original title: La Médiocratie

Author: Deneault, Alain

Publication Date:

October 2015



Original language and publisher

French | Lux Editeur

Territories Handled

Worldwide excl. French

Territories Sold

Italy (Neri Pozza)
Canada (English) (Between the Lines Books)
Spanish (Spain) (Turner Libros)
Germany (Westend Verlag)
Turkey (Yeni Insan)
South Korea (Gyeol)
Arabic (Dar Soual)


Politics, Society

Number of copies sold:


Foreign Covers

Yeni Insan


Original title: La Médiocratie

Author: Deneault, Alain


“The power is in the hands of the mediocre. Their empire now extends to all spheres of life: the arts, the economy, science, law, and politics. Hardworking and quick to breed, they are extremely effective, so much so that the time is not distant that they will have extinguished every passion, suppressed all sense of daring, and slashed every genuine political idea to shreds.”

In this book, Alain Deneault offers an incisive and at times caustic analysis of the reign of mediocrity, which sterilizes the human mind by spreading a reckless love for cultural and political tepidness. Mediocrity is a social order that permanently threatens to collapse in the middle.

Marketing Information

  • English translation available
  • 20K copies sold in Italian and 10K in Spanish

Foreign Covers

Yeni Insan