Hell Yeah Or No. What’s Worth Doing

Author: Sivers, Derek

Publication Date:

January 2020



Original language and publisher

English | Sivers Inc.

Territories Handled

World English

Territories Sold

Estonia (Pegasus)
Germany (FinanzBuch)
France (Piktos, in a two-book deal)
Spanish (World) (Urano, in a four-book deal)
South Korea (Hyundae Jisung)
Arabic (Jarir)


Personal Development

Number of copies sold:


Foreign Covers

Hyundae Jisung

Hell Yeah Or No. What’s Worth Doing

Author: Sivers, Derek


Derek Sivers is one of my favorite humans, and I call him often for advice. Think of him as a philosopher-king programmer, master teacher, and merry prankster. I might need to do a second volume of my next book 100% dedicated to the knowledge bombs of Derek Sivers. So much good stuff. Hard to cut. — Tim Ferriss, author, The 4-Hour Workweek

A deceivingly small book packed with endless wisdom. Each chapter is a life lesson. These stories help me keep the most useful mental models fully usable every day. — Frank Corrigan

I can’t say enough about this book. Pound for pound, it has the most useful and insightful information of anything I’ve read in the last few years. Derek Sivers is a true philosopher of our time. — Chris Perry

This book was one of the best surprises I’ve had in a while. You don’t think you’ll really learn something completely new after reading many other great thinkers (from Seneca to Naval), but Derek certainly conquered his place in my shelf after I read this book. I loved the conciseness of it and how tangible he wrote his advice while still keeping it open enough for a lot of people like myself to identify with. Hell Yeah or No is now one of those books I recommend for people I really care about. — Romulo Gomes Nunes

Derek Sivers shared this simple idea a few years ago: If you are feeling anything less than “hell yeah!” about something, you should say no. You are overwhelmed because of all the times you’ve said a half-hearted yes. By saying no to almost everything, you leave space and time in your life to throw yourself completely into the few things that matter most.

Popular podcasters, bloggers, authors, and executives latched on to this “hell yeah or no” rule, so thousands of people asked for more thoughts on this subject. Instead of expanding a single small idea into a book (as too many non-fiction authors do), Sivers compiled sixty-six related ideas around the themes of what’s worth doing, fixing faulty thinking, and making things happen. The result is Hell Yeah or No: a short but powerful book that can be read in two hours, full of useful and surprising ideas.  Examples:

  • The benefits of being a slow thinker
  • Life has no speed limit.
  • Relax for the same result.
  • Assume you’re below average.
  • Goals shape the present, not future.
  • What’s obvious to you is amazing to others.

Derek Sivers has been a professional musician, circus clown, successful entrepreneur, popular TED speaker, and world citizen. Hell Yeah or No is also a compilation of his most useful observations and stories from the first fifty years of his interesting life.

The first 15,000 early buyers of Hell Yeah or No have posted hundreds of 5-star reviews at sive.rs/n — but it is now being released to a wider audience.

Foreign Covers

Hyundae Jisung