Anarchy Explained to My Father

Original title: L’Anarchie expliquée à mon père

Publication Date:

March 2018



Original language and publisher

French | Lux Editeur

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Worldwide excl. French

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Canada (English) (Newstar Books)
Greece (Stasei Ekpiptontes)
Turkey (Say Yayın Dağıtım)
Japan (Sakuhin Sha)


Essay, Society

Anarchy Explained to My Father

Original title: L’Anarchie expliquée à mon père


What is anarchy and what do anarchists want? A humanist questions his son, an anarchist activist who has studied the subject.

Through their dialogue, the two men explore the roots of anarchy and democracy. They evoke certain figures and the different currents of the anarchist movement, while illustrating their remarks with examples drawn from today’s world. Together, they analyze anarchist critique of the major systems of domination – the state, religion, patriarchy, capitalism and racism – and thus offer an original initiation to anarchy.