50 Preconceived Ideas on Agriculture and Food

Author: Dufumier, Marc

Publication Date:

February 2014



Original language and publisher

French | Allary Editions

Territories Handled

Worldwide excl. French

50 Preconceived Ideas on Agriculture and Food

Author: Dufumier, Marc

  • 2 Seas Represents: World Translation Rights.
  • Depending on the publisher and the quality of the translation, translations from the French can be funded by the Centre national du livre in Paris.


What is really happening on our plates and in the countryside? We hear so many contradictory claims about agriculture and food. This book takes stock of the state of scientific knowledge, and distinguishes truth from falsehood regarding all our preconceived ideas.

“Enlightening. Essential.” ~ Nicolas Hulot

50 Preconceived Ideas on Agriculture and Food gives clear, indisputable answers, which challenge many of our generally accepted ideas, even from scientists who do not share Marc Dufumier’s ecological spirit.

Some examples of generally accepted ideas that this book sheds light on:

Most tomatoes no longer have any flavor.
True. Taste isn’t among the selection criteria for food proposed by industrial agriculture.

Drinking a lot of milk is good for your health.
False. It is bad for our bones and cholesterol level.

Global warming threatens our wines.
True. But we may be able to remedy this.

Animal breeds are endangered.
True. And it is urgent to act.

Industrial agriculture sells “cheap” products.
False. In fact, we pay them dearly.

Living in the countryside is good for your health and makes you happier.
False. The living conditions in the countryside are deteriorating.


Marc Dufumier is Professor Emeritus of AgroParisTech, an expert with the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations and with the World Bank.

He is one of the world’s leading experts on agricultural and food supply issues. He has been involved in many agricultural development projects in France and abroad, and was active in various international solidarity associations. He has among others organized numerous stays in Southern countries to support agrarian reform policies, food security and sovereignty programs, and projects of agricultural and rural development. He is regularly asked for help by foreign governments facing food and agricultural emergencies.

Since 2007 he is a member of the Scientific Committee of the Nicolas Hulot Foundation for Nature and Man, with whom he participated in France the “Grenelle Debate on Environment.” He is a member of the Scientific Council of the Institute of Research for Development, President of the Platform for Fair Trade, and President of the new association for the René Dumont Foundation. Marc Dufumier is Knight of the Order of Agricultural Merit and of the Order of the Legion of Honor.

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