Shiv Singh helps brands transform with the rise of digital and has worked in executive level positions on both the agency side and with Fortune 50 companies. He has been recognized by Ad Age as a Media Maven and has been featured on the publication's cover. He currently leads innovation and digital strategy at VISA and has frequently written for the Harvard Business Review online, Ad Age, Adweek and other publications. Shiv sits on the DMG World Media Board of Governors and has advised startups including Buddy Media, Crowdtwist and Social Chorus.
Rohini Luthra is a board-certified clinical psychologist in California and New York. She is the author of numerous scholarly articles in the areas of trauma and resilience. She has conducted research on the effects of stress on children and adults at The Mount Sinai Hospital in New York. Rohini has also been invited to edit peer review journals on anxiety disorders. She completed her post-doctoral research at Mass General Hospital and the Boston Medical Center.