Garcin, Christian
A writer and a traveller, Christian Garcin is the author of novels, short stories, poems, essays and a number of unclassifiable books (lexicons, literary and pictorial explorations, fictionalised biographies) published by Gallimard, L’Escampette, Verdier and Stock. They include La Jubilation des hasards (Gallimard, 2005), La Piste mongole (Verdier, 2009), Des femmes disparaissent (Verdier, 2011), Les Nuits de Vladivostok (Stock, 2013), Selon Vincent (Stock, 2014 et Babel n°1493) and Les Vies multiples de Jeremiah Johnson (Stock, 2016). He also co-authored with Eric Faye En descendant les fleuves. Carnets de l’Extrême-Orient russe (Stock, 2011). Christian Garcin lives near Marseille, where he was born in 1959.