Walking With Dante

Original title: Galeotto fu l’ libro

Publication Date:

September 2021



Original language and publisher

Italian | Mondadori

Territories Handled

France, Netherlands, Scandinavia, World English



Walking With Dante

Original title: Galeotto fu l’ libro


A little journey within the greater journey of Dante’s Inferno, illustrated by Gabriele Pino and illuminated by Mariangela De Luca’s enchanted eyes as, as if by magic, she leads us through the darker sides of the human being, until we can see the stars again.

The journey through Dante’s Divine Comedy is no simple stroll – in fact it’s a steep climb. And to take on the hellish journey with him, leading us from damnation towards salvation, special equipment is required: a light backpack which, however, contains all you need. A map to tell us where we are, a flask full of clear and communicative words and a compass which guides us fearlessly, by means of lines that are so famous as to have become common expressions still alive in our spoken language. And so, with this “backpack of words”, from which the dust of centuries of scholastic impositions has been delicately blown away, we, too, can participate in the wonder contained in this eternal poem, written seven hundred years ago.