
Original title: Dois

Author: Nakasato, Oscar

Publication Date:

November 2017



Original language and publisher

Brazilian Portuguese | Tordesilhas


Literary Fiction


Original title: Dois

Author: Nakasato, Oscar

  • 2 Seas Represents: Dutch, World English and Nordic Rights.
  • Full English translation available


Two distinct voices narrate this novel. Two elderly brothers tell their lives each from a different angle, with a different focus, revealing their peculiar identities. The oldest, Zé Paulo, is conservative and methodical. The youngest, Zé Eduardo, is restless and unstable. While Zé Paulo’s language is colloquial, as he is talking to his grandson, Zé Eduardo’s narrative is formal, he is writing his diary. They have two other siblings: Zé Carlos, a policeman, and Maria Luisa, who abdicates her personal life and devotes herself to their family. Zé Paulo lives all his life in Maringá, a provincial town; there, he gets married and has three children.

Zé Eduardo leaves to São Paulo, where he integrates an urban guerrilla during the military dictatorship and, as a result, is exiled. When he returns to Brazil, he is back in touch with his older brother, but their relationship is never to be warm. Ana Paula, Zé Paulo’s teenage daughter, is rejected by her father and finds refuge in her uncle’s words and arms. Then a tragedy ends the fraternal relationship for good.