Truth Seekers. At the Heart of the Conspiracy Mindset
Original title: Dans la tête des complotistes. Comment réagir face au complotisme ?
A fascinating description of the mechanics of conspiracy and a method: listening and dialogue rather than rejection. An original and remarkable work. — France 5, C l’hebdo
A manual for recreating connection, a plea to reach out. — France Inter, L’instant M, Sonia Devillers
How can we slow the spread of conspiracy discourse?
Not by opposing those who propagate it head on, that’s for sure. Speaking disdainfully to conspiracy theorists just reinforces their convictions and digs an even greater gulf between “them” and “us.” That threatens our ability to get along with each other, at a time when more and more of our friends and acquaintances, relatives and colleagues are being drawn in by conspiracy theories.
In order to help open their eyes to the false “revelations” and real dangers of that discourse, we need, on the contrary, to really listen to “truth seekers,” as conspiracy-theory adepts now style themselves. It requires patience, but anyone can do it. Here’s the proof: a journalist from Le Monde, the most reviled newspaper among French conspiracy theorists, managed to do just that. Without concealing his identity or what his book would be about, William Audureau earned the trust of both stars of the “conspira-sphere” and ordinary “resistants,” entering into long-term discussion with them. That enabled him to better understand their doubts, concerns and fears, and to uncover what had motivated most of them to tip into the world of “alternative facts.”
The result of his investigation is a fascinating dive to the heart of the conspiracy mindset. Filled with enlightening portrayals of these “clear-eyed truth-seekers” and backed up by analyses from the most renowned specialists, this book reveals the many paths that lead to belief in conspiracy theories, as well as those that can lead out of it.
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