The Strange Scent of Saffron

Original title: L’Étrange odeur du safran

Author: Babin, Miléna

Publication Date:

April 2018



Original language and publisher

French | Editions XYZ

Territories Handled

English (World excl Canada), France, Germany, Netherlands, Portugal, Scandinavia

Territories Sold

English (World) (Guernica)


Literary Fiction

The Strange Scent of Saffron

Original title: L’Étrange odeur du safran

Author: Babin, Miléna


Lower St. Lawrence, July 1988. When Nil sets out for Le Bic along with Lavender, her pet fox (!), she has no idea that being on the lam for a few days will forever mark her future. Raised by her uncle along with her twin brother Yoav in less-than-enviable conditions, she’s still rough around the edges when she decides to take off and just “lie low” for a while. Along the way, she’ll come across characters that are more tormented than they seem, beginning with Jacob, HIV-positive restaurant owner mixed up in the trafficking of… saffron, the red gold that sets spirits ablaze and adds flavor to the finest delicacies!

After wolfing down a copious meal she can’t possibly afford at the restaurant where Jacob works, Nil and Lavender take off in her van—without paying the bill. But a few hours later Jacob finds himself tailing her in his car. Nil has the nerve to ask him for a place to stay, even after stiffing him. And she’ll be surprised to learn that what was meant to be a quick stop to refuel turns into a longer stay than she could have ever imagined. Each of the characters has something to gain from the others, motivating them to stick together despite their seeming incompatibility.

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