The Season of the Trees

Original title: Le temps des arbres

Publication Date:

September 2019



Original language and publisher

French | Actes Sud

Territories Handled

Netherlands, North America, Scandinavia


Animals & Nature, Environment, Narrative Non-Fiction

The Season of the Trees

Original title: Le temps des arbres

  • 2 Seas represents: Dutch, Nordic and North American rights.


(Le Rouergue)

From what desires, joys and defeats is a garden born? Inseparable from what we put into it of ourselves, in the course of a life a garden can become a space of self-discovery.

Philippe Fiévet’s garden was born from the fluttering of a red leaf which set him on a quest to create an autumnal garden that would be ablaze with colour as the nights draw in at the end of each year. Trees played an essential role to play in that and helped him to grow up as he was trying to find his own place in the world. In telling his story in which, like in the fairy tales, he has to battle against evil spells to accede to the wisdom of the trees, Philippe Fiévet reminds us how much the beauty of gardens owes to our passion for rare plants, which have continued to bewitch us down the ages.

We follow the journey from apprentice to traveller, and from the nursery to the garden and ultimately to the book.

Born in Charleroi in Belgium, Philippe Fiévet has had a double career as a teacher of French and history and as a journalist for Paris-Match Belgique. A traveller in his soul, his all-consuming passion for trees has taken him to every part of the globe.