The Republic, based on the work of Plato

Original title: La République, d’après l’oeuvre de Platon

Author: Harambat, Jean

Publication Date:

October 2021



Original language and publisher

Territories Handled

Worldwide excl. French


Graphic Novels & Comics

Number of copies sold:


The Republic, based on the work of Plato

Original title: La République, d’après l’oeuvre de Platon

Author: Harambat, Jean


«One of the most subtle authors in comics today» Frédéric Potet, Le Monde

«Embodying Socrates is still happening, but seing the Republic in motion, mission impossible? Not for Jean Harambat, a talented cartoonist and good reader! From the Republic, he knew how to make an Odyssey, him whom so magnificently told in images Homer’s one.» Jean Hartog, historian

“Jean Harambat varies the shots, the angles. His characters are moving. Socrates scratches his head, Thrasymachus loses his temper. Philosophy is living, never static. (…) A staging of the work of Plato seductive and lively, and yet respectful of the original” Anne-Claire Norot, Livres hebdo

“The marvelous trait of Harambat makes Socrates so alive and his painting of the ideal city that we are seized with an irresistible desire to dance alongside the bearded philosopher” Romain Brethes, Le Point

“A philosophical work that provokes thought in an original way original. Jean Harambat gives the reader food for thought on his certainties and conventions to which he agrees to submit” Serge Tachon, Sud-Ouest

One of the most important philosophical dialogues is finally adapted into a comic strip.

What is justice?

To answer the main question of The Republic, Plato proposes to build an ideal city and a model of community life where the philosophy would reign as sovereign. It is this city that Jean Harambat chose to bring to life in this album, thanks to his talented brush.

“The Republic is an adventure of the spirit. It is the night that offers a journey.” Jean Harambat

  • Comics: a mainstream format that gives access to philosophy
  • A text that deals with very current questions of justice, society, and living together
  • An author recognized by lots of prestigious awards