The Miraculous Life of Maggie the Wunderdog

Publication Date:

September 2020



Original language and publisher

English | Mirror Books

Territories Handled

France, Netherlands, Scandinavia



The Miraculous Life of Maggie the Wunderdog


‘If ever a dog’s story is guaranteed to touch hearts, then Maggie’s is.’ Your Dog Magazine

‘This story will leave you smiling.’ Best Magazine

Maggie the dog is a walking miracle.

Maggie was shot 18 times and subjected to cruelty and torture, before being rescued from Lebanon and brought to live in England by a determined and loving young woman called Kasey. As Maggie faced the worst, every day was a fight to rehabilitate her. The long surgeries, followed by weeks of recovery, gave Kasey hope that what she had found in this little dog was someone just as determined to live and love as she was.

And finally Maggie began not only to show signs that was she going to live, but also to show Kasey just how enormous her zest for life really was. They would take long walks along the breezy Brighton seaside, and it wasn’t long before Maggie’s joie de vivre started attracting attention from passers-by, other dog owners, and pretty much anyone who came into contact with her. It was then that Kasey saw how much love there was for Maggie, and she began to document her life and recovery online.

Fast-forward to today: Maggie leads a healthy, wonderful life and enjoys being an Instagram star. With over 422k followers and counting, she is the most famous rescue dog online.

This is her incredible journey, and this is their story: of unconditional love, and never giving up.

Marketing Information

  • Maggie is an Instagram sensation, with over 422k followers. Her audience is split between America, UK and Australia.
  • Maggie and Kasey will be available to support the book and share their wonderful story.
  • They have done the media rounds before, so are comfortable and familiar with the process.
  • Maggie and Kasey work with the Wild at Heart foundation and will have their full support.
  • Celebrity fans of Maggie include Pixie Geldof and Wild at Heart ambassadors. Maggie had a sold-out range of T-shirts and sweatshirts.