The Incredible History of Cuisine

Original title: L’incroyable histoire de la cuisine

Publication Date:

October 2021



Original language and publisher

French | Les Arènes

Territories Handled

Netherlands, Nordic Countries, North America

Territories Sold

South Korea (offer received)
Spanish (World) (Norma)
English (World) (Papercutz)


Graphic Novels & Comics

Foreign Covers


The Incredible History of Cuisine

Original title: L’incroyable histoire de la cuisine


From the discovery of fire to organic gastronomy : discover humanity’s history through the evolution of cuisine.

In order to survive and prosper, our ancestors had to try out thousands ways to feed themselves and to preserve food. The discovery of fire marks the homo domination on Earth, thanks to their way of selecting what to eat, how to make their meals and more importantly, how to share them. The first humans groups are becoming more complex and more organised, sharing words and food around the fire. Four hundred centuries later, wars can still be solved around a good meal.

Marketing Information

  • Print-run: 20,000 copies

Foreign Covers


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