Perimenopause: Survival Guide to Stay Zen

Original title: Préménopause: Guide de Survie pour Rester Zen

Publication Date:

March 2018



Original language and publisher

French | Edito


Health & Lifestyle, Psychology

Perimenopause: Survival Guide to Stay Zen

Original title: Préménopause: Guide de Survie pour Rester Zen

  • 2 Seas represents: Dutch, Nordic and English (US & Canada) rights
  • Rights sold: Greece, Spain
  • English sample available


For most women, perimenopause is synonymous with major disruptions that unfortunately are impossible to escape. It is hard to focus on good mood when hormones govern it!

This premenopausal survival guide reviews these 35 symptoms, along with practical tips to alleviate them, and homeopathic advice from a certified naturopath. Judiciously illustrated, this book will become the best companion to go through this “rite of passage” as serenely as possible.

The author certainly ought to know. She experienced 30 of the 35 recognized symptoms of this obligatory passage: hot flushes, insomnia, irritability, weight gain, dysregulated menstrual cycle, extreme fatigue, constipation, poor concentration, loss of libido, etc. In these trying times, that can last from two to five years, she almost left her husband and consider jumping off a bridge, among other things… She came through unscathed, and so did also the people in her life, thanks to a good dose of humor.

This is a book that, with a lot of self-mockery, plays down the difficulties of this obligatory passage. An enlightening reading enriched by original and very funny illustrations.

Mirella Di Blasio, author, has held management positions in sales and marketing at fashion multinationals and advertising agencies, before founding Lulu Events in 2003. In addition to her professional career, she pursued theatrical training and performed as a dilettante jazz singer at fundraising events for Alzheimer’s.