Tedious Parents

Original title: Parents Casse-Couilles

Publication Date:

August 2018



Original language and publisher

Territories Handled

Worldwide excl. French


Humor, Parenting

Tedious Parents

Original title: Parents Casse-Couilles

  • 2 Seas Represents: World excl French
  • Over 10,000 copies sold, 3rd print run


When parents don’t have limits…

When a teacher receives her pupils’ parents, she expects everything… but come on! Over the years, Sandra and Sabrina have collected the crazy questions, shocking, stupid, funny, provocative parents who attend the famous meetings during which each of us has necessarily spotted painful parents, to say the least! In this very funny book, Sandra and Sabrina highlight these show-off parents, able to ask incredible questions and yet demand an immediate and positive response.

A book that all parents should read before attending their first meeting and that should be mandatory for all future teachers!