Six Foot World. How to Imagine the Future in Disruptive Times

Author: Setty, Rajesh

Publication Date:

July 2020



Original language and publisher

Territories Handled

World excl. English


Business & Leadership

Six Foot World. How to Imagine the Future in Disruptive Times

Author: Setty, Rajesh


Rajesh points us in the right direction by giving us insightful and practical methods to break out of our outdated ways of seeing risk and reward.  Timely, practical, and beneficial advice! — Dr. Jeffrey L. Sampler, Professor of Management Practice, China Europe International Business School (CEIBS)

Rajesh provides a practical step by step approach to be successful in the post COVID world. — MR Rangaswami, Founder of, Indiaspora and Eco-Forum

This book gives us some concepts, structures and approaches so that we can craft answers that will work for us and our communities. This is a powerful, compelling and uplifting read. — Ian Gotts, CEO : Speaker : Author : Bass Player

A timely and insightful look at how businesses are adapting and reinventing themselves for a world shifted by the global pandemic, written by a widely respected Silicon Valley innovator with decades of experience working in disruption.

A new label is REQUIRED to describe the magnitude of impact COVID-19 has on the world. By naming it a recession, depression or a black swan event won’t do justice to what happened. Within this book, you will find a new label assigned to the phenomenon. A disruption of this magnitude creates problems… and possibilities.

This book will help you focus on possibilities, rather than problems.