Resuscitating Is No Small Thing: Major and Minor Tales from the Age of Covid-19

Original title: Ressusciter n’est pas une mince affaire: la lente guérison d’une malade de Covid

Author: Luzzati, Fiamma

Publication Date:

June 2020



Original language and publisher

French | Massot Editions

Territories Handled

Worldwide excl. French


Graphic Novels & Comics, Society

Resuscitating Is No Small Thing: Major and Minor Tales from the Age of Covid-19

Original title: Ressusciter n’est pas une mince affaire: la lente guérison d’une malade de Covid

Author: Luzzati, Fiamma


The e-book format was released on 25 June 2020.

” An animation report about quarantine.”- La loutre masquée

”A graphic novel, suitable for everyone!”- Publikart 

”A story filled with kindness, attentiveness and empathy.”- Le suricate

The lockdown comic that went viral on line

After her runaway success on line, Fiamma Luzzati is back with a graphic novel that includes lots of previously unpublished material. Her book portrays the pandemic’s social fallout in a clear and informative way. A keen observer, she presents anecdotes in which women and men from all walks of life get a chance to speak: a psychiatrist, a person in mourning, an intensive-care doctor, a philosopher, a student, a psychologist, and several children. Each of them experienced and understood lockdown from their own unique point of view. For example, when the pandemic reached France, Maïa, a third-year medical student, responded to the dean of her school’s call for action, joining the mobilization to provide back-up support to hospital staff. She wound up working as a nursing assistant on night shift, a tough but rewarding experience that would change her life.

This book presents a range of different aspects of the Covid-19 crisis: the pandemic in Italy; an infected person’s slow recovery; the devastating effect on families in mourning of not being able to say good-bye or to hold funerals for loved ones; lockdown’s effects on couples, children, and others. This reader-friendly reportage in graphic-novel format describes the crisis that has affected the whole world, leaving no one entirely unscathed.