The Power of the Voice

Original title: Le pouvoir de la voix

Author: Abitbol, Jean

Publication Date:

April 2016



Original language and publisher

French | Allary Editions

Territories Handled

Worldwide excl. French

Territories Sold

English (USA) (Plural Publishing, WEL)
Taiwan (rights reverted)
Russia (rights reverted)
Greece (rights reverted)



The Power of the Voice

Original title: Le pouvoir de la voix

Author: Abitbol, Jean

  • 2 Seas Represents: World Excl. French
  • English translation available
  • Over 7,000 copies sold.


It’s absolutely passionate! – RTL

An expert, recognised as one of the most important people in his field! – Europe 1

At the crossroads of medicine, biology and sociology. – France Culture

The power of the voice exists in us all. – Interview, L’Opinion

Jean Abitbol evokes new ways to look after these extraordinary “string and wind instruments.” – Le Journal du Dimanche

Long viewed as secondary, the tables are turning for this invisible and intangible ability. “Today more than ever, people are judged by their voice and not their appearance”, explained the voice doctor Jean Abitbol, whose book The Power of the Voice sold an unexpected 4500 copies in just six weeks. – L’Express

A world-renowned physician reveals the secrets of the greatest ‘voice artists’ and helps us to better use our own.

Pop stars, blues singers, opera singers, political leaders, lawyers, actors, impersonators, ventriloquists: Jean Abitbol is the doctor of the greatest French and American voice professionals. Do they all have a special gift? How do they work and play with their voice to seduce us? How can each of us get inspiration from their techniques to become more efficient, more attractive?

Based on many meetings and anecdotes, this book is a scientific and personal journey into the discovery of this instrument that each of us has, but of which many have never truly measured the power: our voice.


Allary_Abitbol_THE POWER OF THE VOICE_Russia_Azbooka-Atticus_June 2017 

Russia (Azbooka-Atticus), Taiwan (Motifpress), USA (Plural Publishing)