One Piece, Power Lessons

Original title: One Piece, Leçons de pouvoir

Author: Derycke, Phedra

Publication Date:

April 2023



Original language and publisher

Territories Handled

Worldwide excl. French

Territories Sold

Turkey (Teras)


Popular Culture

One Piece, Power Lessons

Original title: One Piece, Leçons de pouvoir

Author: Derycke, Phedra


One Piece is THE manga that know a significant success since its creation in 1997.

The adventures of Monkey F. Luffy, the young boy escorted by his crew of “Straw Hat” to become the Pirate King, keep fascinate readers and spectators. But do you really know the messages conveyed in this saga?

What are the political mechanics in One Piece? How does the geography of the saga universe establish the legitimacy of power ?

Phedra Derycke deciphers for you the universe of One Piece and its characters to make you (re)discover the anime as you never seen it!