Super Happy Thanks to Super Heroes. Batman, Superman, Thor, Wonder Woman...

Original title: La philo selon Spiderman, Batman, Wonder woman… Être heureux grâce aux super-héros !

Author: Benkemoun, Lise

Publication Date:

March 2023



Original language and publisher

Territories Handled

Worldwide excl. French


Personal Development, Popular Culture

Super Happy Thanks to Super Heroes. Batman, Superman, Thor, Wonder Woman...

Original title: La philo selon Spiderman, Batman, Wonder woman… Être heureux grâce aux super-héros !

Author: Benkemoun, Lise


What can bring Spiderman, Iron Man, Wonder Woman or even Batman to you in your everyday life?

Happiness ! Yes, each of them has qualities to share with you: Spiderman teaches us responsibility, Iron Man freedom, Superman embodies hope. These philosophical values rooted in our favorite superheroes guide you on the way to happiness!

Become the Master of your own destiny and let your favorite characters lead you! Their philosophies will not leave you in the cold…